[Aquaduct] with XBConnect is one of the cooler apps I've seen in a while. It allows you to use any XBox system link game over the internet by proxying the wide area network. Unfortunately it seems more for the college dorm crowd. I tried to use it to play Halo online the other night and every open game listed in Aquaduct required each XBox playing to have 3 or more people on it. Most of the games would kick single players off.
That was something of a letdown.
Splinter Cell 2 might be a better bet, it's multiplayer is limited to a few people anyway. [ 6/02/2004 02:39:46 PM ] [ ]
I'm making some progress figuring out the Polar HRM interface protocol. It would be handy to actually have a Polar HRM that can talk to a computer to work on it, but oh well. So far I haven't seen any real hints on how to grab data directly from the Forerunner, and so far on the Mac nothing works for getting the track data. [ 5/31/2004 01:26:24 PM ] [ ]