The Gwar show last night was pretty good, but man those weeknight shows make you that much more tired. I wore out pretty quickly. Now I can say I've actually survived a Gwar show.... without getting hosed! [ 5/07/2004 03:18:10 PM ] [ ]
The bike I really want is, of course, a [Softride]. They just have the most geek factor - more engineering per ounce. I found one on ebay for a very reasonable price, but unfortunately the "sniping" service I used didn't actually put through my bid for some reason. Thus, I missed my chance to get one (I would have won easily).
Yes, I'm still pissed. It doesn't help that this weekend Supergo is having a store opening sale and has several.... OK bikes at reasonable prices. But they aren't Softrides, or anywhere close. I'd rather have a triathlon-designed bike that will last rather than something I'll outgrow in a season. Ug. Maybe I'll get lucky. [ 5/06/2004 12:07:26 AM ] [ ]