Thursday, October 10, 2002Grrrr maybe not. Seems that in OpenBSD, they don't have a fix that allows [little-endian cards to work on nell's big-endian bus]. You would think that this would be a priority, since this means that only ancient 8-bit cards will work at all, making the whole mess pretty useless. [ 10/10/2002 01:04:18 PM ] [ ]
Experiments so far to build an interim driver to support hostAP mode on NetBSD 1.6 have been unsucessful _ since every part of netbsd depends on every other part being a specific version, keeping up with netbsd-current, especially to enable just one driver, is pretty impractical. I might just play with hacks to ad-hoc mode on the sparc until next month, when it appears [OpenBSD 3.2 will be out]. OpenBSD already has hostAP support, but what it was missing was a working "nell" driver for the sbus to pcmcia bridge that holds the 802.11 card. HOPEFULLY OpenBSD 3.2 for Sparc will work with a 802.11 card in the nell, and it will be cool, ok? [ 10/10/2002 12:53:09 PM ] [ ]
Sunday, October 06, 2002I actually got my Newton 2100's [wireless driver] working..... kinda. Since the Sparc isn't acting as an access point or dhcp server yet, it's not really capable of doing anything, but it does seem to work now. I'll probably end up buying a license for the driver :) [ 10/06/2002 09:30:59 PM ] [ ]
Aha! Way better. Knew I had this someplace. NAME: I'm not going to tell you if you keep looking at me like that. SEX: I choose to exercise my 5th amendment rights. HOME: Where the heart is. HEIGHT: Yup, got some of that too. HAIR COLOR: The inverse log of 0099ff (i forget the pantone value) EYE COLOR: Hazel, and they look great with pearls and a black evening dress. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT?: Things. Who are you, George Orwell? YOUR FAVORITE SHOW?: FishBar WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD?: Could you please repeat the question? FAVORITE BOARD GAME: I'm not here to play your little games, mister! FAVORITE MAGAZINE: Playboy, Aviation Week, or Wired, I guess. FAVORITE SMELL: The burnt corpses of my enemies. WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD: Finding some subtle truth that completely alters your existence or changes your view of the universe. Like falling in love. BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD: Finding some subtle truth that completely alters your existence or changes your view of the universe. Like falling in love. FAVORITE THINGS TO DO ON WEEKENDS: Code. Annoy unsuspecting plebians. FAVORITE SOUND TRACK: Industrial music seems to be the soundtrack to my life, so that fits. FAVORITE SONG FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD: My childhood isn't over yet. WHAT'S THE FIRST THING YOU THINK OF WHEN YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING: how nice it would be to wake up *with* someone again. DO YOU GET MOTION SICKNESS: very, very rarely. usually after ingesting large amounts of seawater. ROLLER COASTERS-DEADLY OR EXCITING: it doesn't compare to shooting up heroin, does it? PEN OR PENCIL: Yup. HOW MANY RINGS BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE PHONE: You fucker, you're the one that keeps calling and hanging up? My fucking answering machine is full of "if you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again...". Goddamn you telemarketing son of a bitch! FUTURE SON'S NAME: Chance FUTURE DAUGHTER'S NAME: Chance, Mara FAVORITE FOODS: Free. DO YOU GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS: They still have no clue where I work or what I do, but otherwise that's OK. :) CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA: Asstastic FAVORITE ICE CREAM: Free. CROUTONS OR BACON BITS: You buying? DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE: Depends on where I'm going. DO YOU SLEEP WITH STUFFED ANIMALS: I call them homeless people, and they sleep outside, thanks. THUNDERSTORMS-COOL OR SCARY: Good for being naked, WHAT TYPE OF CAR WAS YOUR FIRST CAR: I choose to exercise my 5th amendment rights. IF YOU COULD MEET ONE PERSON, DEAD OR ALIVE, WHO WOULD IT BE: myself WHAT IS YOUR ZODIAC SIGN: Stop WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE POET: Frost, Poe, Chekov DO YOU EAT THE STEMS OF BROCCOLI: Do you? GUYS-IF A GIRL ASKED FOR THE SHIRT OFF YOUR BACK, WOULD YOU GIVE IT TO HER: Shirt? GIRLS-WOULD YOU EVER ASK A GUY FOR HIS SHIRT: When I woke up this morning, I wasn't a girl. Just what are you insinuating? IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY JOB YOU WANTED, WHAT WOULD IT BE: I'm pretty happy where I am, unless you're offering a signing bonus or a car allowance. IF YOU COULD DYE YOUR HAIR ANY COLOR, WHAT WOULD IT BE: Blue, dipshit. IF I COULD HAVE A TATTOO, WHAT AND WHERE WOULD IT BE: A bar code. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN LOVE: unfortunately. WHAT IS ON THE WALLS OF YOUR ROOM: Paint, mostly. IS THE GLASS HALF EMPTY OR HALF FULL: Neither it is twice as big as it needs to be. Jefferson stole my answer. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SNAPPLE: The free one. Notice a theme here? FAVORITE MOVIE: The Big Blue. ARE YOU A RIGHTY, LEFTY, OR AMBIDEXTROUS: Somewhere along the middle DO YOU TYPE WITH YOUR FINGERS ON THE RIGHT KEYS: No WHAT'S UNDER YOUR BED: I don't have a bed per se. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE NUMBER: How can anyone have a favorite number? WHAT IS YOUR DREAM CAR: One with a bumper would be a start. FAVORITE SPORT TO WATCH: air racing or lacrosse SAY ONE NICE THING ABOUT THE PERSON(S) WHO SENT THIS TO YOU: Jeff is dramatically undervalued by himself and others as an artist, a manager, a friend, and a person. [ 10/06/2002 04:35:39 PM ] [ ]
Kinda lame, but I'm tired, and I suppose this is as good a way as any to know the many behind the blog... 1. Who was the last person you yelled at? That guy on the freeway. Yeah, YOU. Drive like your life has some deeper fucking meaning, ok? Or I'll do it for you! 2. Who was the last person you kissed? Mark's girlfriend Luna, for the Waking Santa Cruz video. Kinda depressing that I had to get s tand-in for my own girlfriend :( 3. What was the last memorable book you read? Invisible Monsters. 4. When did you last dance? Couple of days ago at my desk. 5. What's the last thing you want to hear from your parents? "Dan, you have no direction in life" 6. When did you last go for a walk in the park? Yesterday 7. When did you last do your ironing? 1995. 8. When was the last time you smiled all day? Ummm.... maybe never? 9. What color socks do you normally wear? White 10. Did you ever attend a private school? For too many years. It corrupted me! 11. Do you like stuffed animals? They're the best, even though Fred-bear STINKS. 12. Have you ever smashed pumpkins? Yup. I can remember when I was little, using a little metal cap gun to do that. Smack smack smack chipping away at it. 14. Can you quote Shakespeare? Sure can. 15. Do you like playing baseball? Not really. 16. Are you a neat freak? Sometimes. 17. What is the worst injury you have ever given someone? A broken heart? 18. Do you ever eat lemons plain? I've been known to eat pretty much anything, so yeah. 19. Have you ever fired a gun? Of course. This IS america after all. 20. Do you own any knee-high boots? Technically yes, but after 5 years, I think that Dillon pretty much owns them now. I wore them, what, twice? 21. Are you attached to extreme people? Very much so. 22. Do you like swimming in lakes? Lakes taste like iced tea! 23. Have you ever streaked at a football game or any other public event? Yup. 24. What is you favorite gemstone? Opal. 25. Have you gone on many blind dates? None. 26. Has someone done something extra nice for you? Sure. 27. Did you have a crush on any of your teachers? Not that I recall, no. 28. Have you ever been lost in a bad part of a city? Many, many times. 29. Would you rather have a mint or fruit flavored gum? Fruit, I guess. Not a big gum person. 30. Do you have road rage? I want a minigun for my car. Is that answer enough? 32. Do you ever eat food right out of cans or jars? Doesn't everyone? 33. Has your mind ever gone blank? As hard as I try, no. 34. Have you ever met anyone interesting at the laundromat? Nope 35. Have you ever questioned reality? All the time, especially when it comes to certain people. 36. Are you kind? Unfortunately. 37. Would you give a needy person the shirt off your back? And more. 38. Do you have any beanie babies? WTF? 39. Would you rather be hot or cold? Hot, probably. 41. Could you kill if your life was threatened? Sure, but I would say it's more likely if someone else was threatened. Someone I cared about, or someone who was in the wrong place or wrong time. I suppose I beleive it's the duty of the strong to protect the weak. [ 10/06/2002 04:18:37 PM ] [ ]
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sent samples directly to several Iraqi sites that U.N. weapons inspectors determined were part of Saddam Hussein's biological weapons program, CDC and congressional records from the early 1990s show. Iraq had ordered the samples, claiming it needed them for legitimate medical research.
That seems to be intentionally worded to be misleading. At the time the samples were sent, no one outside of Iraq knew about their bioweapons programs, and the UN inspectors mentioned had not "determined were part of Saddam Hussein's biological weapons program" until almost a decade later.
The exports were legal at the time and approved under a program administered by the Commerce Department
Not only were they legal, but again, no one had any concrete indication that Iraq was pursuing a bioweapons program until after Desert Storm in 1991, and not even hints had leaked out of Iraq until 1989. And until very recently, ANYONE could have gotten a sample of anthrax, etc. from the American Type Culture Company. There were instances where domestic terrorist groups such as anti-abortion activists had been found in possesion of ATCC cultures.
The CDC also sent samples of a strain of West Nile virus to an Iraqi microbiologist at a university in the southern city of Basra in 1985, the records show.
A feeble attempt to connect Iraq to the West Nile outbreaks? While the West Nile outbreaks were initially suspicious, the mention of West Nile in this story is just an attempt to scare the reader. Far more serious is Iraq's work with camel pox, which most Iraqis and Jordanians are immune to, but Israelis and Americans are not (camel pox is related, distantly, to smallpox).
Just another example of why having two parties can suck. This is basically mud slinging by one party against another, and it's not accomplishing anything. [ 10/06/2002 03:57:35 PM ] [ ]